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Grant Recommendations

Information for Impactful Giving

As a Donor Advisor for your fund at Hudson Community Foundation, we are here to help you maximize the impact of your philanthropic efforts through tailored grant recommendations. Whether you’re a first-time donor or a seasoned philanthropist, we’re here to provide you with the knowledge, resources, and personalized insights you need to make a meaningful difference.

Selecting the right organizations and causes to support can be overwhelming, especially when there are so many worthy initiatives out there. That’s where we come in. Our team of experts understands the nuances of the nonprofit sector and is equipped to guide you toward grants that align with your values and strategic objectives.

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.

Grant Process

Donor/Advisors may submit grant recommendations at any time. Some Donor/Advisors choose to delay recommending grants for a period of time, intending to allow the fund’s balance to grow. However, each fund must eventually make grants. Accordingly, HCF will contact the Donor/Advisor if the fund has made no grants in the preceding 36-month period.

Grants to Charitable Organizations

Grants can only be made to organizations that are tax-exempt public charities, or to local government entities (e.g. public schools or park systems) for charitable purposes. Non-operating private foundations are not eligible to receive grants.

The Internal Revenue Code prohibits grants to individuals from donor advised funds.  Also prohibited are grants for political contributions or to support political campaigns.  Grants may not result in benefits, goods, or services to the donor, the fund advisor, members of their families, and businesses they control.  Failure to observe this restriction can subject the fund advisor to tax penalties. Benefits include the payment of pledges, event tickets, meals, sponsorships, registration fees, discounted merchandise, preferred parking and/or seating, and memberships unless the membership confers nothing of value. 

Hudson Community Foundation (HCF) only approves grants that are used exclusively in furtherance of charitable purposes. HCF is unable to approve a grant that would confer an impermissible private benefit on a Donor/Advisor or other specific person. Grants may not be used for any pre-existing pledge (under IRS rules, a pledge is considered a personal obligation of the maker, and to use a Donor Advised Fund grant to satisfy such an obligation would be considered an impermissible private benefit). Other impermissible private benefits include grants for school tuition or scholarships sent directly to individuals, certain dues or membership fees, goods bought at charitable auctions, tickets for charitable events that entitle the attendees to any material benefit, or any other non-charitable purpose. Grants may not be used for lobbying, political contributions, or for support of political campaign activities.

Grant Procedure

When a fund is established, Hudson Community Foundation provides the Donor/Advisor with a log in to the Donor Portal to view their fund and request grants. When the Donor/Advisor is ready to recommend a grant, he or she can complete the request online, email their grant request to our office, contact us by phone or meet with us in person.  The minimum grant amount is $100.

HCF reviews each grant recommendation. Upon approving a recommendation, HCF liquidates fund investments, prepares a check, and sends it to the charitable organization. A letter attributing the grant in the name of the fund accompanies the check. A copy of this letter is also sent to the Donor/Advisor. If the Donor/Advisor prefers anonymity, grants can be sent without identification of the fund or Donor/Advisor.

Grants are processed on an ongoing basis. Normally, HCF distributes checks within 14 days of receiving a Grant Recommendation Form. If HCF experiences a problem approving a particular grant recommendation, it will notify the Donor/Advisor in a timely manner to discuss the matter

Start Your Philanthropic Journey Today!

Whether you’re supporting education, healthcare, environmental conservation, or any number of causes, our expert recommendations will help you give with confidence. Let us help you make an impact that matters.

Contact us today to learn more about our grant recommendation services.